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SANParks rangers thanked for outstanding work

The South African National Parks (SANParks) Honorary Rangers (SHR) volunteer organisation has contributed a record R48 million to SANParks to combat poaching.

POLOKWANE – The SHR, which is the official volunteer organisation of SANParks, has members who come from all walks of life and all parts of the country. They are affectionately known as the “unpaid” staff of SANParks and are involved in supporting the 21 South African National Parks.

Programmes which are run by the SHR support rangers fighting the war on poaching as well as training tour guides. SANParks Chief Operating Officer, Lize McCourt, thanked the SHR at their annual Indaba which took place at the West Coast National Park over the weekend.

“We just want to give a hearty thank you to everyone involved. Without you we will not be able to do what we do,” she said. The contribution consisted of more than just money, it included over 200 000 hours of work done by the 1 500 members of SHR. A direct donation of R5,6 million was made to SANParks with regards to their wishlist system which will provide items such as camera traps, night vision equipment, fire-fighting equipment and lion collars among others.

SHR National Chairperson, Louis Lemmer, thanked the members and said the organisation must and always will be an organisation driven by dedicated volunteers giving their time and skills for the conservation cause. He said the relationship the SHR has with SANParks remains positive and is one of their most important resources. “We must grow this relationship and strengthen our cooperation even further every day and in everything we do,” he said.

Anyone who is interested in joining the SHR or participate in activities such as birding events and bush camps organised by the SHR can visit www.sanparksvoluteers.org for more information.

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