
Youth Day: Never Forget

Youth Day is not just a public holiday, it is a day of remembrance.

Many people see Youth Day as just another day off from work but it is so much more than that. The effects of the uprising by students 40 years ago are evident in many areas of our lives today. Many people see the uprising solely as a case of learners refusing to be taught in Afrikaans, but that’s not true. The uprising was in protest of the entire Bantu Education System: poor facilities, overcrowded classrooms and inadequately trained teachers. Don’t just look at it because of the main issue, and don’t just see it as a day off. For many people my age, it led to better quality education, better facilities and well trained teachers. I know many schools today are still suffering with overcrowding and lack of material, but there has been an big improvement in the quality of education between 1976 and today. So before you see June 16 as a day to sleep in, don’t forget why we commemorate Youth Day. Don’t forget about the hundreds of learners who were killed on that day. Don’t forget that iconic picture of Hector Pieterson and what it stands for. Never forget.

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