
Use everyday activities to keep fit

Today, 10 May, is International Move for Health Day. This initiative encourages all South Africans to take responsibility for their health by engaging in cost effective physical activities such as walking, regular exercise and other extramural activities.

In order to improve and maintain health, at least 30 minutes of physical activity should be performed daily.

Here a 4 everyday activities, that you normally may take for granted, that can become part of your daily fitness routine

  • Step it up. Take a brisk walk every day, whether it’s in your neighborhood or a local mall. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or make a full workout of climbing the stairs two steps at a time. Try parking father away from your destination and sneak in a few extra steps.


  • Make housework a workout. Mow the lawn, weed the garden or rake the leaves. Even indoor activities such as vacuuming and scrubbing count as a workout as long as you increase your heart rate.
  • Play with your kids. If you have children, don’t just watch them play. Join them for a game of tag or even kicking the ball outside. Do your kids play video games? If so, plug in with them and swing a virtual tennis racket or do a little boxing.
  • Crank up the music and dance. Move the furniture aside, and turn up the dance tunes. Dancing is an excellent—and fun metabolism booster.



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