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Be alert, police warn after muggings rise

This is the advice of the police after at least three cases of muggings were reported in the last week.

POLOKWANE – Be alert, especially in areas in and around the central business district.

This is the advice of the police after at least three cases were reported in the last week – all in which unsuspecting residents getting in or out of their vehicles became the targets of criminals.

In two of the reported attacks, motorists were demanded to hand over their personal items in the form of cellphones, jewellery, wallets and other valuables.

Joyce Ramarepa and her son went out for a day of shopping when she was accosted.

“We had just bought some DVD’s from a shop in Hans van Rensburg Street. I had unlocked the car doors when a man appeared to my right, demanding I hand over the items I had just bought. He also took my phone and purse, and my son’s wrist watch,” she said.

The man had a knife and threatened to stab her should she not cooperate “He told me to not make alarm when he leaves as he has friends who would shoot me.”

In another incident a couple parking in their driveway was robbed of cellphones and other valuable items. In the third incident, resident David Langley was accosted while waiting to pick up his daughter from Pietersburg Comprehensive School (PCS).

The school is situated on the corner of Magazyn and Grobler Street.

“My daughter stopped at the bakkie to put her school bag on the back when a man appeared next to her. Then, another man told me if I did not give him my money, phone and the CD’s in the car that the other man would hurt my daughter,” Langley told Review.

After he handed the man the items, he had been told that he and his daughter would not be shot as long as they cooperated.

“I never saw any of the men with a firearm, but I did not want to take the chance. I just thought that as long as I cooperate we would be safe,” Langley said.

Polokwane police spokesperson Capt Ntobeng Phala said in these situations it is important to remain calm and comply with the demands made.

Phala confirmed that the police had received complaints in this regard.

He said should motorists find themselves victims of such crimes, they should try and remember as much details as possible.

He said that one of the victims would be meeting with a sketch artist to see if an identikit can be provided that will help the police in finding the people responsible for these attacks.

Edwel (community policing forum for Eduan Park and Welgelegen) urged residents to get involved with policing forums.

“Being in contact with someone directly can make a huge difference. Suspicious people can be reported immediately with two way radios and help can be on the way. This can make a difference between being a victim and assisting in the prevention of a crime,” they said.

Principal of PCS, Rudi Fick, said parents should report such incidents without hesitation.

“We had a incidents last year, but this year has been quiet,” he said. The school had a meeting planned for Wednesday evening of which the aim was to up the safety of learners.

“We are looking at methods to intensify safety measures at the school. We urge parents to report these incidents, so we can be proactive,” Fick said.

Another reason parents should report such incidents, is for the school to provide trauma counselling for the learners who were involved.


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