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‘I didn’t kill my wife’ – Rameez Patel

"DON'T give him bail," people from the gallery shouted in a packed court room on Tuesday when Rameez Patel, who faces a charge of murder after the death of his wife Fatima three weeks ago, appeared before the Polokwane magistrate's court.

POLOKWANE – “DON’T give him bail,” people from the gallery shouted in a packed court room on Tuesday when Rameez Patel, who faces a charge of murder after the death of his wife Fatima three weeks ago, appeared before the Polokwane magistrate’s court.

According to a statement written for his bail bid, Patel said he knew nothing about the crime, and he intended to plead not guilty. The bail application got off to a slow start with the state and defence arguing.

The state wanted to have the bail hearing postponed, however the court ruled in favour of the defence; magistrate Mohammed Shaik said the state knew it was going to have a bail application heard.

As Shaik made the ruling a man shouted from the gallery: “Release him on bail, we are waiting for him”.

The gallery was packed with members of the ANCYL and the community. They held placards demanding that Patel not be granted bail.

Patel looked down and avoided eye contact with the gallery.

“Don’t give him bail,” the people repeatedly shouted.

At times, Patel rested his head on his arms.

Reading Patel’s affidavit, his attorney, Stephanie Fourie, said her client was emotionally and psychologically burdened by his wife’s murder.

She said her client knew nothing about the incident. He did not explain where he was when his wife was murdered.

State prosecutor, Mark von Dronik, who opposed bail, said there were no substantial circumstances that compelled the court to grant him bail.

He highlighted that Patel had relatives in the UK and the couple’s three children were living with their grandmother.

Last Friday, magistrate Shaik broke down during proceedings, but on Tuesday made it clear that him being emotional should not be misinterpreted as that of bias: “My emotional status would not affect my judgment”.

Patel’s bail application was postponed to May 4 when the state is expected to call the investigating officer to testify.

Patel remains in custody.

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