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BMW seen at hijacking and murder scenes

The possibility that a link exists between the murder of towing company owner Morgan Matlala and a hijacking, as well as an attempted hijacking in the city, has not been excluded by the police.

POLOKWANE – The possibility that a link exists between the murder of towing company owner Morgan Matlala and a hijacking, as well as an attempted hijacking in the city, has not been excluded by the police.

This was according to a police source who wished to remain anonymous, in the interest of his safety.

He said the possibility was investigated that the silver BMW with GP numberplates, said to be involved in the hijacking and attempted hijacking, had been seen at the scene of Matlala’s murder on January 18.

Provincial police spokes-person, Col Ronél Otto, however did not wish to confirm or deny that a link existed.

“I can only confirm that the police are investigating all possibilities and that nothing has been ruled out.

“The police are investigating every possible lead in these matters,” she said.

Matlala was shot and killed in the early morning hours of January 18.

Polokwane police spokesperson, Capt Ntobeng Phala, confirmed that the police were looking for a BMW believed to be involved in the murder.

Several tow-truck drivers, who spoke to Review, also on condition of anonymity, said they believed that Matlala’s murder was linked to the hijacking and hijacking attempt, but they were unable to get any confirmation from the police.

“We believe that he was involved in illegal dealings such as hijackings, burning of vehicles and attempted murder. We have case numbers of these cases, which have been reported to the police since 2000. It is plausible that his murder was linked to these activities,” a tow-truck driver said.

André van der Merwe, South African Towing and Recovery Association (Satra) chairperson, said he was aware of several criminal cases opened against Matlala and that these cases had been closed since his murder.

Van der Merwe said Satra in no way condoned any act of violence.

“If the police acted when they should have, this may not have happened. Who knows?” he said, referring to Matlala’s alleged methods of ensuring that his competition did not prosper.

Several tow-truck operators lost their towing vehicles in mysterious fires prior to Matlala’s death, and these tow-truck drivers alleged that Matlala was behind these incidents.

Just days after Matlala’s death, his wife, Phudi Mtya-Matlala, was arrested in connection with being in possession of a suspected stolen vehicle. Her arrest was confirmed by Otto.

Otto further said it was not clear if the stolen vehicle in question had previously been involved in a hijacking in Gauteng, or if it had only been reported as stolen.

A photo and description of the BMW and its passengers who were reportedly wearing balaclavas, was circulated on Facebook earlier this week.

Witnesses said that this vehicle had been seen in Ladanna and at the intersection of Pietersburg and Landdros Maré Street.

Residents who have information on these incidents are urged not to confront the men but instead contact their nearest police station with information.

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