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Residents disgruntled with service at Polokwane traffic department

Residents have complained about the overall service at the department, while people who render third-party services face an uncertain future.

POLOKWANE – Residents continue to raise their concerns over an apparent lack of assistance in regards to services at the traffic department in Ladanna.

Among the complaints is that queues are cut off at certain time slots in the morning. A resident, who opted to remain anonymous, said her son has on several occasions gone to the department to renew his driver’s licence but never made it to the front of the line by cut-off time.

She noted that on two occasions the line was cut at 11:00 and on another occasion it was cut at 08:00.

“It is unfair to cut the line without putting the people who were cut off on a priority list for the next day. The worst part is the department has stopped us from hiring people to stand in the queues for us, which was very convenient for people who need to be at work.”

She explained she would usually hire someone (referred to as a ‘runner’) to stand in the queue and obtain the paperwork. She would then arrive when the runner is near the front of the line, in order for her to complete the paperwork and then submit it.

A runner, who also preferred to remain anonymous, says she has offered this service to residents for almost 15 years. The service is her main source of income and she was surprised to be told that she was not allowed to provide it to residents anymore.

“I don’t fill out any of the forms. All I do is print them out from the department’s website, have my clients fill them out and then I stand in the queue for them and submit them on their behalf. I have been doing this for a long time. I was told that I cannot render my services because the department had increased their staff after the Covid-19 lockdown, and thus they will be able to attend to everyone.”

Review contacted municipal spokesperson Thipa Selala, who said lines are cut off because the department can only take a certain number of customers daily. According to him, the number of customers are limited because otherwise they will be unable to bank monies on a daily basis as per financial guidelines that have been set out.

He explained that lines are often cut because clients come at the last minute to meet the deadlines as set out by the transport minister. Selala adds that an influx of customers affects the speed of their servers as there is a high demand by clients.

Asked on the implementation of an online booking system, Selala said: “The municipality awaits the pronouncements of Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula on the implementation. The system is currently being piloted in Gauteng to establish advantages and disadvantages of the system, and when the system will be implemented in other provinces.”

Selala refuted the claims that runners are prevented from assisting residents. He said they will only be prevented to render this service if they are found to be involved in any fraudulent activities and brought to the municipality’s attention. “In such incidents the office won’t allow practices that will dent the municipality’s image.”

He added the municipality has discouraged people from queuing for other people as this has led to the people who queue for others to end up selling the forms, which are free of charge. “This also dents the image of the institution.”

Selala said the department assists more than 250 clients each day. “The number includes the amount of learner’s licence tests, applications for driver’s licence and professional driving permits (PrDP), renewals, registration and applications for help desk transactions. Until 16:30, there isn’t a limit on the number of people who can collect their driver’s licence cards.”

Review also raised the issue of traffic congestions near the department, as well as the struggle residents have to find parking. “Now that the National State of Disaster has been lifted, the parking area will be open to the public, however, the date is yet to be announced.

Also read: Transport MEC: Renew your licence before grace period ends

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