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Local crime fighters in the dock for murder

Three members of the crime-fighting Central Business District Association (CBDA) appeared in the Polokwane Magistrate's Court on Tuesday (February 22).

POLOKWANE – The trio appeared on a charge of murder after they were suspected of playing a role in a mob justice incident that took place in December.

The association made local headlines after it was formed in 2020 for taking a zero-tolerance approach towards crime in the CBD.

CBDA spokesperson Ali Salman and a member Charles Sefoko were arrested on February 14 after they were called to the Westenburg Police Station for questioning.

Westenburg station commander Col Maimele Pilusa confirmed that after the two suspects were interviewed by the investigating team, a decision was taken to detain them. A third accused, whose name is unknown to Polokwane Observer, was arrested on February 20.

Two of the three suspects were released on bail of R1 000 each. Salman has, however, been detained as his bail application was postponed to February 28. According to Pilusa, a warrant of arrest has been issued for a fourth suspect, who is a relative of Salman.

Also read: [VIDEO] Young thugs stab business owners in Polokwane CBD

One of the lawyers of the accused, who opted not to be named, believed the suspects are being targeted because of the work they do. He clarified that they were not on the scene on the day of the incident and that they have been cooperating with the police since the start of the investigation.

“The incident took place in December, and since then the suspects have always availed themselves to the police. No arrests were made after the incident, but only after the victim passed away later on.”

Pilusa, however, refuted this, saying the suspects were non-cooperative.

“I went to the point of trying to speak to Salman personally, wanting to work closely with them in the investigation but they don’t fulfil the promises they make. The fourth suspect only came to the station because we asked him to come and give an official statement. Had he known that he would have been detained then he would have still been on the run,” he concluded.

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