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Author pens the struggles of abused women and children

Fulufhelo Precious Mafadza, a 27-year-old writer from Vuwani Vyeboom talks about the abuse women and children face everyday

LIMPOPO – “We live in a society where women and children are abused physically, sexually, emotionally and mentally.

Everyday a woman dies in the hands of a man.”

These are the words of Fulufhelo Precious Mafadza, a 27-year-old writer from Vuwani Vyeboom who recently had her book Ndivhoniswani published.

The title means ‘What is it that I am being shown?’ and talks about the abuse women and children face everyday.

Fulufhelo told CV that she started writing in 2017 after she had just dropped out of school.

“In 2012, when I was still in Gr 11, I decided to burn all my old books.

“I came across my old drama book which I had started working on and inside there was a story about the abuse of women and children. I read the story and it inspired me to write,” she said.

With the help of her mother she managed to write her book. “I never experienced gender-based violence in my life but I grew up watching a lot of family members go through it. Their incidents left me traumatised and some would also tell me their experience and I would write them down,” she explained.

The book is written in her home language Tshivenda and also translated in English.

An extract from the book reads ‘those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not tire and they will walk and not be faint’.

The part is one of her favourite lines in the book as it talks about a woman being strong enough to walk away.

“I got my book published with the help of Preshy Business Enterprise. I always encourage women to leave abusive relationships because it never ends well.

“Pack your bags and go before it is too late,” she added.

Fulufhelo said a lot of women stay with abusive men with the hope they will change.

“This is a lie. You had a life before him and there will still be life after him. Love yourself and always put your own happiness first.”

If you would like a copy of the book, you can send her a message on 076 066 7509 / 072 106 6691 or via Twitter @preshyafrica.

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