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Keep your pets safe on Guy fawkes

Don't ignore your pets during fireworks: the loud noises can terrify them, so be a good pet owner and put their safety and comfort first.

Don’t ignore your pets during fireworks: the loud noises can terrify them, so be a good pet owner and put their safety and comfort first.

Take animals into consideration on Guy Fawkes nightThink of your pets before using fireworks. This comes after recent celebrations such as Diwali, when a kaleidoscope of brightly coloured fireworks lit up the night sky.According to the JSPCA, animals’ hearing is far more acute than that of humans, and the fireworks distress and frighten pets.

The society has reported incidents of dogs jumping through windows and impaling themselves on fences, while trying to run away from the noise of fireworks.

Guy Fawkes night on 5 November is traditionally celebrated with fireworks and bonfires, and people are advised to take the necessary precautions.

Here are some tips to keep your pets comfortable and safe:

  • Walk your dog before the fireworks start.
  • Keep your animals inside for the entire duration of the fireworks displays
  • A high carbohydrate meal after the dog’s main meal can also promote serotonin, a hormone that helps regulate your dog’s mood.
  • Close all windows and curtains and put on some music to mask the noise
  • Prepare a safe cosy spot for your pet to burrow and hide in
  • Give your dog attention and comfort them, dogs are social animals and derive comfort from being with the people or animals who they trust.
  • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an ID tag, on the off chance that they manage to escape
  • Get something from the vet to calm your animal if it is a particularly nervous or sensitive.


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