
It is all about mud and tradition for this all-rounder

Matalane Mokgatla is an entertainer who recently launched his African praise poetry anthology, E Gangwa ke Matalane, following his folklore book, Sebešong sa Matalane which launched in May.

POLOKWANE – “I came to realisation that the Pedi culture and traditions are slowly dying out, especially among the youth, whom I believe are supposed to be the ones who carry the legacy of the livelihood into the future. I decided to write a book in an effort to not only educate but also unify the Bapedi community,” he said.

He told Review that he hopes the book will encourage the youth to start reading in their mother tongue, which is the first step towards preserving and promoting our culture. “I have always been passionate about preserving the Bapedi culture and heritage,” he added.

Aside from writing, Matalane is an all-round entertainer. He is a dancer, singer and actor. He performs at various events in his Sepedi traditional attire. He has been the entertainment at events such as Mapungubwe Arts Festival and the Limpopo Music Awards (LIMA), where he makes an all-eyes-entrance as he ‘rocks up’ at the red carpets wearing a Sepedi ‘lekgeswa’.

Matalane met with Shiela Mashala, his business partner from Pretoria, earlier this year.

“I was personally looking for someone who can assist me with my research. I have always had a strong passion in indigenous lifestyle, particularly food and spiritual and physical well-being. I was fortunate enough to meet him,” Shiela said.

She explained that they then realised that they share some common passions, especially when it comes to nature and indigenous lifestyle.

“We then started exploring the mountains together and also doing research among the elders of our families and the communities that we visit,” she added.

Matalane believes that as African children, we are led by the spirit of our forefathers, so when we walk the mountains – we follow where the spirit leads us.

“One day as we were walking alongside a river and there was this mud all around, we spoke among ourselves that we should collect it, take it home and use it on our skin and see what the outcome will be. We discovered that this mud is actually a good skin exfoliator, oil controller, good in treating acne and eczema, opens pours, removes black heads and deals with uneven skin tone,” he said.

Business partners that developed a skin defoliator, entertainer Matalane Mokgatla and Shiela Mashala show off the skin mud mask they developed.
Photo Supplied.

The duo then started recommending it for family and friends and said the testimonials have been overwhelming. Matalane explained that it makes them very happy and proud to share this organic leraga mask (OLM), which is already sold at two pharmacies, with others.


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