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[INFOGRAPHIC] How much rain fell in Polokwane on Saturday?

A storm which hit Polokwane on Saturday afternoon only affected certain areas in the city.

POLOKWANE – While certain areas in Polokwane such as Westenburg never received a drop of rain, Flora Park on the other hand, was flooded. This was the result of a thunderstorm, which wasn’t forecasted, that hit parts of the city on Saturday afternoon.

Read more: [WATCH] Residents tube down street in Flora Park after storm

With Savannah Mall flooded for the second time in two weeks, Review spoke to local Meteorologist Technician at the South African Weather Service Polokwane Weather Office, Masetshaba Moyaba, to find out how much rain fell during the storm.

Read more: Come rain or shine, Masetshaba Moyaba is always ahead of the game

“According to our rain gauge at the airport, 24.3mm of rain fell,” she told Review. However, for areas to have had flooding, more rain had to have fallen and Review asked readers on social media to provide their readings and which area they stay in.

These were the results:

According to Moyaba, the weather service’s seven day forecast suggests that a 30% chance of rain is expected on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday with Thursday to Saturday’s chance of rain, more so in the evenings.

Read more: More rain expected in Polokwane this week

The Municipality, on Saturday, said that they had been attending to damage caused by the storm including fallen trees and rubble strewn across streets. Teams had been dispatched to work around the clock to deal with issues reported.

Meanwhile, Savannah Mall say they have put temporary measures in place to control flooding should heavy storms hit the city again and they haven’t yet established the extent of the damage caused by the floods.

You can read more about the storm in this week’s Review newspaper.


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