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Limpopo ANC condemns violence of Westenburg protests

The ANC in Limpopo has with great concern noted the recent protest actions by residents of Westenburg.

POLOKWANE – People burned two police vehicles and blocked various access routes to the area while protesting various service delivery issues. They also demanded the release of ten community leaders arrested during the violent protests.

You may also want to read: ‘Release our leaders before negotiating’ say Westenburg residents

These leaders appeared before the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court yesterday (Thursday 26 July), were granted bail of R500 each and their cases postponed to 17 September to allow for further investigations.


“We reiterate our support for all residents in our country to exercise their right to protest on any issue constituting a grievance. In the many decades the ANC spent in trenches fighting for liberation, at the core of our struggles was the need for all our people to gain a dignified decent life and appropriate service,” said Soviet Lekganyane, Provincial Secretary. “To this day, as we manage our municipalities, provision of quality service to our communities remains our target objective. Our municipalities are under a direct and strict order to provide quality service. We however do not support any quest to exercise a right to protest in a violent manner as witnessed at Westenburg in the past days.”

He added that there was no justification for the destruction of public property, including burning of police vehicles, as has happened. “Whilst it’s important for communities to raise their grievances with authorities, we must be vigilant not to allow thugs to hijack our gatherings and turn them into ugly scenes of property destruction,” he said.


He gave the assurance that the ANC is confident that all the parties will rise to the occasion and resolve the impasse amicably and timely. “We support the measures they are taking towards finding a long-lasting solution on matters raised by the Westenburg community.”

Lekganyane made a strong appeal to all communities in the province to desist from engaging in violent protest whenever they have genuine concerns to raise. “We call upon our people to use all available avenues to raise their concerns.”


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