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Easter message from CDM Mayor

Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) takes this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Easter

Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) takes this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Easter which is one of the most momentous and sacred times of the year to reunite with our families and converge at various places of worship to reflect on Christ’s love, humility and faithfulness to His call as a sacrifice to mankind.

This is the time when we also expect mobility and traffic volumes to rise on our district, provincial and national roads.

We therefore appeal to all road users to increase their level of patience, consideration and tolerance to fellow road users.

All road users, drivers and pedestrians, are encouraged to respect each other, make time to rest during long distances and avoid indulging in intoxicating drinks.

As a district we look forward to a drastic reduction in road death statistics as I wish you all a safe, happy and spiritually fulfilling Easter. Let’s all arrive alive!

John Mpe, CDM Mayor

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