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Queue marshal loves to serve

Daniel Makgobathe (42) is a queue marshal at the Mankweng Taxi Association in the Nobody Ga-Mothiba area, usually starting his day at 06:00.

POLOKWANE – This is not for the faint-hearted, but Daniel can handle it.

“I have been a taxi marshal since 1991. With the little that I make I am able to take care of my family. As a marshal it is my responsibility to ensure that a commuter reaches their destination, if they are short on their taxi fare, I help. Serving people is the most important part of my job, it is the reason I come to work every day,” he explained.

The father of three is sometimes undermined and has to, more often than not, deal with drunk commuters.

“Dealing with passengers is not easy. You deal with people from various backgrounds. I respect every commuter because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be able to take care of my family,” he explained.

Apart from the various challenges he comes across, Daniel still views this job as a blessing. “When I first got this job, I told myself that this is a job which will enable me to support my family. That is why I am still a marshal here at the Mankweng Taxi Association,” he explained.

Daniel urged marshals across various associations to form a harmonious relationship with the commuters, as he believes this will be beneficial for both parties. “Without the commuters we don’t have a job, so we have to take care of these people,” he concluded.


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