
Renown artist exhibits art at 6th annual Literary Fair

Lefifi Tladi is a revered South African musician, poet and artist with a vast knowledge of his craft.

POLOKWANE – The sixth Annual Polokwane Literary Fair kicked off as art enthusiasts flocked to the Polokwane Art Museum for the opening of Lefifi Tladi’s art exhibition. He has a relaxed demeanor and imparts knowledge with droll undertones. He emphasised the importance of including visual literacy to the Literary Fair programme.

“Visual literacy is just as important as other art forms. Children must be taught to appreciate things from an early age. They should be taught music; not because they want to be musicians but so they can be able to identify different notes and appreciate the music. Just as with art, children should be taught how to draw, not because they want to be artists but so they can be able to see the beauty in a painting and when they see it, they must be able to identify what it is that makes it beautiful from a technical point,” he said.

Festival Director, Malose Lekganyane, said: “When we started Polokwane Literary Fair it was the only literary fair in Limpopo as most of the festivals in the province at the time were music festivals. We believe reading is central to the existence of people which makes the annual Literary Fair an important engagement through which people can tell their own stories and not distorted stories as told by others. As Africans our history has been distorted a lot so it’s important to tell it ourselves, hence the theme ‘Writing our stories (correcting or making right our story)’. Ntate Lefifi Tladi is a living legend, he is South Africa’s best export. He is a full bodied artist in that he can express his emotions through many genres within the art sphere. He is a visual artist, he is a poet, he is a writer, a singer and, in his own right, a philosopher. To have such a heavyweight in our midst is an honour. We can never overestimate the importance of him being here. We can only hope the people of Polokwane and Limpopo drink from his well of knowledge”.

Tladi will facilitate various workshops throughout the Literary Fair to encourage appreciation of art and groom aspiring artists.

Indulge in literature at Literary Fair until 12 Sept


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