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30 pairs of shoes for Mahwelereng learners

30 disadvantaged learners at DG Tsebe High School in Mahwelereng are a pair of school shoes richer after helping hands took care of their needs.

MOKOPANE – The Progressive Leaders Foundation handed out 30 pairs of schoolshoes to these underprivilaged learners to motivate them with positivity. The foundation members are Capt Tsebe (Director of Nhlaba Investments), Joe Masingi (Director of Shell Gija Plaza), Benny Rapau and Lizzy Mothoa (Directors of Nkabile Excellence) and Peter Setsiba (Director of PMS79 Holdings).

Tsebe told Bosveld: “We believe that a positive outlook in the world is contagious and that everyone must follow that example. It is important to encourage and motivate the youth, because many of them are going through tough times. The youth of today are our future leaders.”

Kamogelo Ramotebele, the top learner at this high school, was one of the learners who benefitted. He explained that he wants to become a surgeon and also study for a better future after school. He currently lives at an orphanage.

The Principal of the school, Morris Shilabje, thanks the foundation for their caring hands.

Some learners who received new pairs of schoolshoes. WIth them are members of the Progressive Leaders Foundation.


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