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WordChef cooks up a ‘poetry storm’

Ngwako Frans Motokwe is a young poet with a flair for words, a talent that has earned him the stage name of WordChef.

POLOKWANE –  The 22-year-old was born at Ga Matlala but currently resides in Seshego. Talking about how he started on his career path, he says he was in Gr 9 when a teacher assigned them the task of writing a poem.

“I forgot to do my homework and had to write the poem in class in a hurry the next morning. I submitted my poem and the teacher was very impressed. He asked me to pen another one.

“From there, I realised I enjoyed writing poetry and started gaining recognition from my school.”

The poet, author and scriptwriter is a student at the Limpopo Television and Film School where he is studying film and television production.

He has written scripts for plays for various villages where they provide entertainment for village children to keep them off the streets. He has written a book titled From a Bumpy Road to a Tar Road, which he is currently trying to secure a publisher for.

His stage name WordChef, came about when a friend commented how much he liked the way he ‘cooked’ his words, and he decided to be creative and call himself WordChef.

Motokwe attributes his growth to the support of his family and friends, who have been there from day one, supporting him wherever they can, be it with money or just words of encouragement on his low days.

“They form part of my inspiration, irrespective of the challenges I face. The biggest challenge is financial.

“There are days on which I cannot afford transport fare to attend shows and must come up with a plan because I cannot back out of a show. I once attended a show with literally R10 in my pocket for transport, and no money for a drink or something to eat. I had to go on stage thirsty and hungry, I even had to stop my performance and ask for water. It was a life lesson because life is not easy, it has groomed me to know that I must work hard. My hard work will open doors and pave the way for my younger brother and nieces,” he explains.

He has recited poetry at different events but the biggest event he has performed at was the Start Pre-Platform event.

“That was the largest audience I have performed for, and it got me recognition from other wordsmiths that I admire. The audience response was overwhelming.” He would like to work with two local artists, King Prime and Poet Noah, but his ultimate dream is to collaborate with Proverb. I am working on a poetry album, I have written all the poetry, all that’s left is the recording. I plan to release a single from the album soon, my fans can look out for that. I also plan to host a hip hop vs poetry event before the end of the year. I’m sourcing funding and sponsors who are willing to come on board for the event.

He would like to refute the idea that poets are supposed to use grandiose words.

“Poetry is about inspiring the audience. People must relate to your poems,” he advises.

He is Ngwako ‘WordChef’ Motokwe on Facebook, and prospective donors can contact him on 060 822 3673.


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