
Mokopane employees held at gunpoint during robbery

Three armed robbers targeted the 2010 Filling Station on the N11 on Sunday night.

MOKOPANE – Three armed robbers made off with an undisclosed amount of money after two petrol attendants and a supervisor were held at gunpoint in Sekgakgapeng on Sunday night.

According to Suzan Phetheli, Supervisor of 2010 Filling Station on the N11 opposite Pola Park, three masked and armed robbers entered the station just before 20:00. Phetheli said one of the robbers gained access to the premises by jumping over the back gate, cutting the lock and providing access to the premises to the other two men.

The robbers cut the lock from the gate.

The three armed men entered the office where they found Phetheli and Moses Kekana (58), one of the petrol attendants. Kekana said one of the robbers searched the premises and found the other petrol attendant, Victor Manenzhi (44), in the toilet.

According to Manenzhi, the robber pointed the gun at him and said: “Your colleagues are in the office on the ground. You can come and join them”. “The robbers then pushed us all into the office and shouted to us to lie on the floor. They searched us and took Kekana’s cellphone and the money that he had in his pocket. They demanded more money and asked where the safe was kept,” he said.

Phetheli told the men where the safe was. They forced her to open the security gate of the building, pushed her back into the office and told her to lie on the floor.

The robbers then left via the back gate with the safe and disappeared.

The back gate where the robbers gained access to the premises.

According to Kekana, the robbers were there for about 25 minutes. He pressed the panic button after they left at 20:19. Kekana said this was the second time that the filling station was robbed, the first time was in December. “It seems as if it is the same people. They used the same tactics.”

Phetheli said the robbers got away with a cell phone and an undisclosed sum of money.

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