Creating a more balanced world – A Baha’i Perspective

As we celebrate National Women’s Month in August, it is an opportune time to reflect on the importance of the empowerment of women, and the benefits that humanity will reap by ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of life.

Men and women complement each other in their roles and functions. Humanity cannot achieve the desired progress, and its well-being and stability, unless both men and women are treated as equals.  As stated in the Bahá’í Writings “The world of humanity has two wings — one is women and the other men.  Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly. Should one wing remain weak, flight is impossible” and “the happiness of mankind will be realized when women and men coordinate and advance equally, for each is the complement and helpmeet of the other”.


The equality of men and women will bring about a more balanced world, a world in which the more masculine qualities of physical strength and courage will be balanced by intuition, love, and service; qualities in which women are strong.

The progress and empowerment of women and attaining their rightful status, is fundamental to the future well-being of the earth and its people. There are no acceptable grounds – biological, social, or moral – to justify denying women equality with men.  According to the Bahá’í Writing: “… men and women are equal in the sight of God. …  The only difference between them now is due to lack of education and training.  If woman is given equal opportunity of education, distinction and estimate of inferiority will disappear”. 

Gender equality is necessary for the future well-being of humanity; it is also a requirement of justice, and a prerequisite to global peace. It is the Bahá’í view that, only when women are welcomed into full partnership with men in all fields, the moral and psychological climate will be created in which peace can emerge and a just and united world civilization can develop and flourish.


In one of its messages, the Universal House of Justice, the governing council of the Bahá’í international community states: “… the equality of men and women is …a universal spiritual truth about an aspect of the nature of human beings …  It is, above all, a requirement of justice.  This principle is consonant with the highest rectitude of conduct, its application strengthens family life, and it is essential to the regeneration and progress of any nation, the peace of the world, and the advancement of civilization”. 


The change or transition required for bringing about equality between women and men is an evolutionary process requiring education and patience with oneself and others, as well as an unshakable determination.



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