
Keep on paying your school fees

So why would I ask for a reduction of my school fees when my child will be more than prepared for the end of year exams?

A very Grumpy Mommy writes,

I have a problem with people refusing to pay their child’s private school fees.

Let’s look at the facts:

Government schools, from what I can gather, will be losing approximately 17 school days. Is the government going to give you a rebate on those days OR rather deprive your child of the much-needed mid-year school break during June after which your child will go back to school refreshed and ready to tackle the life-changing end of year exams?

Private, small and home schools, are losing approximately 10 days.

My child is in a private, small school and I know from experience, as my child is sickly, that I have always been able to go into the school and request the missed school work and have been told, ‘don’t worry we will ensure your child will meet the syllabus requirement by the end of year exams’.

Less stress on you, less stress on your child.

So why would I ask for a reduction of my school fees when my child will be more than prepared for the end of year exams?

We have already been sent term 2 curriculum, along with “how-to” instructions for both my child and myself. I have been offered multiple choices to help us understand the topics.

I have chosen to leave it to the experts, at my child’s request.

My child is a 75-80% aggregate for the past three years. Teachers are teachers for a reason.

So for 10 days out of the 200 school days, you are creating this drama. Teachers/schools work on a yearly basis, not a daily one.

In creating this drama, for 10 days out of 200 school days, you are not only jeopardising your child’s teacher but the entire school staff. Teachers, teaching assistants, admin staff, ground staff all work throughout the year ensuring the school is maintained. The school and curriculum have to be maintained, the classrooms, the grounds, the bathrooms, the sick rooms, the offices. After all do you want your child to return to school with cobwebs on their tables, a jungle for a sports field, a swamp for a pool?

Now ask yourself… all this for 10 out of 200 days.


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