
LETTER: Responsible use of our natural resources

Future prosperity and the peaceful co-existence of peoples will greatly depend on conservation and responsible use of our natural resources.

We live on a planet with serious environmental problems, such as increase in the number of floods, droughts and food and water shortages.

Climate change – a change directly or indirectly related to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere – has become a serious matter of concern.

There is need for urgent commitment towards the wise and responsible use and distribution of our resources, and stabilizing of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous interference with the climatic system.

We will always need material resources to sustain civilization.

As we learn how best to use the earth’s raw materials for advancement of civilization, we must be conscious of our attitudes towards the source of our sustenance and wealth.

It is the Bahá’í view that, solutions to protect nature will require a globally-accepted vision for the future, based on unity, justice and willing cooperation among the nations, races, religions and people of various ethnic backgrounds.

Furthermore, commitment to a higher moral standard will be essential.

In the words of the Bahá’í International Community, a “fundamental component of resolving the climate change challenge will be the cultivation of values, attitudes and skills that give rise to just and sustainable patterns of human interaction with the environment,” and, “As consciousness of the oneness of humankind increases, so too does the recognition that the wealth and wonders of the earth are the common heritage of all people, who deserve just and equitable access to its resources”.

Climate change is now challenging us to rise to the next level of our collective maturity, a maturity which calls us to accept that we are one people living on one planet, as members of one human family, and that there is need for justice in utilizing the earth’s resources.

It is important that we preserve order and balance to nature.

The endless acquisition of material goods fed by greed, aggravates the destruction of the environment.

There is also need to direct resources away from those activities that are damaging to both the social and natural environment and instead efforts be made towards the creation of systems that foster cooperation and mutualism.

Furthermore, in the Bahá’í view, there is need for a world federal system to enable mankind to arrange its economic, material and social life with justice for all peoples and reverence towards the earth.

Such federated, integrated system of global governance will be able to coordinate the just distribution of the planet’s resources and enact laws that ensure universal well-being.

For more information email tshwane@bahai.org.za or call 083-794-0819

Websites: www.bahai.org, www.bahai.org.za



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