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Aspiring entrepreneur and computer prodigy excels in matric

I realise now that learning is a team sport – it is a social activity. To learn in isolation is truly a multi-faceted challenge.”

Not many people have the privilege of knowing exactly what they want to do and achieve in their life at the age of 13, David Nel from Hoërskool Eldoraigne in Centurion is one of those people.

The young man boasts an astonishing average of 94.29% for his matric results.

“For Afrikaans, English and life sciences (biology) I achieved 90%, for life orientation and mathematics I achieved 96% and for physical sciences and information technology I achieved 99%. I also achieved 97% for alpha maths, 96% for AdMaths and 89% for AP Maths,” Nel said.

David Nel with classmates. Image: Supplied

“I always try to work as hard as I can while still living a healthy and balanced life. Managing stress or anxiety during an exam is extremely important.

“You need to approach each and every test with calm confidence. Other than that, I believe that the Lord blesses me and gives me the strength and courage to tackle everything I do head on,” he said.

Nel has been a fan of computer programming for as long as he can remember and taught himself programming and app development in grade 7.

“I am also an experimental entrepreneur who loves to test new ideas and come up with business venture ideas.”

Nel has enrolled for a BEng computer engineering at the University of Pretoria.

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“My motivation is a combination of passion and gratitude. My love for learning new things drives me to be teachable and absorb as much as I can.

“I am also very thankful that God has given me a healthy mind and that He has enabled me to excel at academics. Therefore, as a sign of my gratitude, I give my all.”

Nel was in his matric year during the national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 2020 will go down in history as one of the most challenging years for learners across the globe.

“The hardest part of the lockdown for me was the lack of physical social interaction. Online learning has truly been a lifesaver during the 2020 academic year, but it left us all hungry for each other’s presence,” he said.

“I realise now that learning is a team sport – it is a social activity. To learn in isolation is truly a multi-faceted challenge,” Nel said.

He is an entrepreneur at heart and although many of his interests lie with technology, he hopes to one day make a difference in the business world.

“I dream to one day be the founder of a chain of companies that solve some of the world’s toughest problems. In other words, I want to become a serial entrepreneur that uses engineering to create a more sustainable and equitable South Africa and the world.

David Nel. Image: Supplied

“I also aspire to grow and become an inspiring leader that lives in excellence,” he added.

On what advice he has for learners taking on their big year in 2021, he gave the following tip:

“Hang in there and work hard. Do not live for ‘one day or ‘someday’. Seize every day and do the best you can with what you have been given. There is no better time to live than right now. There is no better time to break the mould and show the world what you are made of.

“Chase your dreams and when you fall, fall forward and pick yourself up again. All of the best,” he concluded.

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