Serious crime continues to scrouge Pretoria Central

While Pretoria Central has since some improvements, Sunnyside has been subjected to worsening trend

Pretoria Central and Sunnyside police stations are among the top 30 stations plagued by serious crime nationwide according to the first quarter crime statistics for 2024/25.

This was announced on August 30 when Police Minister Senzo Mchunu published the statistics that reflect crimes reported from April to June 2024 countrywide, compared to the same period since 2019.

Local stations Temba, Mamelodi East, Brooklyn, Pretoria Central and Sunnyside made the top 30 police stations plagued by serious crime nationally.

While Pretoria Central has since shown some improvement, Sunnyside has been subjected to worsening trends.

Pretoria Central

Contact crimes reported to Pretoria Central police decreased by 26.1% from 532 cases to 393. 11 murder cases were reported this quarter compared to the 8 reported in the last and sexual offences increased from 18 to 27.

Attempted murder cases decreased by 3 cases, from 9 to 6 and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH) cases decreased by 37.4% (99 down to 62).

Common assault cases decreased by 26.4% (129 down to 95), common robbery cases decreased by 34.1% (132 down to 87) and robbery with aggravating circumstances decreased by 23.4% (137 down to 105).

Rape cases had a significant increase by 8 cases from 12 cases reported last quarter up to 20. Two attempted sexual offences and 5 sexual assault cases were reported this quarter. No contact sexual offences have been reported in the past four quarters.

Car hijackings saw a decrease of 2 cases from 14 to 12, while robberies at residential premises decreased from 4 cases to 1. Robberies at non-residential premises decreased by 13 counts from 20 cases last quarter down to 7.

No bank robbery or cash-in-transit heist has been reported in the past five quarters, while two hijackings were reported in this quarter and the previous.

No arson case was reported in this quarter and the previous and malicious damage to property cases saw a signifcant decrease of 27 cases (66 down to 39).

Property-related crimes decreased by 18% this quarter from 356 cases down to 292. 31 cases of theft of motor vehicles and motorcycles were reported this quarter from 56 in the last. Theft out of or from motor vehicle cases decreased by 24.8% (250 cases down to 188) and no stock theft has been reported in the past five quarters.

Burglaries at residential premises decreased by a single case with 13 cases reported this quarter while burglaries at non-residential premises increased significantly by 66.7% (36 up to 60).

Commercial crimes saw a decrease of 17.1% (181-150). Shoplifting cases increased by 2.5% (122 cases up to 125) and all theft not mentioned elsewhere increased by 1.7% (300 up to 305).

Crimes detected as a result of police action saw a significant increase for the CBD police, from 211 cases reported last quarter up to 239.

Possession of illegal firearms and ammunition detections increased from 7 cases to 16 and one sexual offence was detected by a police officer this quarter compared to none in the previous five.

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol cases detected increased by 16.4% (67 up to 78) and drug-related crimes increased by 5.1% (137 up to 144).

Kidnapping cases increased by 3 cases this quarter from 14 to 17.


Sunnyside police station also saw a decrease in contact crimes this quarter from 492 cases down to 434 (11.8%).

Two murder cases were reported this quarter, one case more than the last and 16 attempted murder cases were reported, one case fewer than the last quarter.

Assault with intent to cause GBH remained constant at four cases recorded. Common assaults increased by 8.4% (131 up to 142) and both common robberies and robberies with aggravating circumstances decreased by 9.6% (115 down to 104) and 28.3% (198 down to 142) respectively.

Ten cases of rape were reported, 4 fewer than last quarter while 6 cases of sexual assualt were reported, 3 more than last quarter.

No attempted or contact sexual offence has been reported in the past three quarters.

Trio crimes also saw signicant decreases with carjackings (29 down to 20), and robberies at residential (17 down to 6) and non-residential premises (18 down to 11) all seeing fewer cases reported.

No CIT heist, bank robberiy or truck hijacking has been reported in the past five quarters.

No arson case was reported in this quarter compared to one in the last and 50 cases of malicious damage to property cases have been reported in this quarter and the previous.

Property-related crimes saw the most increase for the Sunnyside police from 350 cases last quarter up to 401.

Burglaries at non-residential premises increased by 9 cases (13 up to 22) and burglaries at residential premises increased by 65.7% (35 up to 58).

Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle cases increased by 9.2% (76 up to 83) and theft out of or from motor vehicle cases increased by 5.3% (226 up to 238). No stock theft cases have been reported in the past five quarters.

Commercial crimes increased by 3.0% (164 up to 169), shoplifting increased by 32.5% (40 up to 53) and all theft not mentioned elsewhere increased by 31.8% (233 up to 307).

Community-reported crimes increased by 6.3% (1330 up to 1414).

Crimes detected as a result of police action increased by 3.5%, with DUI cases detected increasing by (104 up to 153).

Drug-related crimes detected decreased by 0.5% (194 down to 193) and sexual offences detected decreased by 40 cases (45 down to 5).

Illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition cases detected increased by four cases (2 up to 6) and two more kidnapping cases were reported in this quarter compared to the last (14 up to 16).

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