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Pretoria North CPF elects new committee members

According to public relations officer Lebo Moli, the new members are ready to make a difference to the community.

The Pretoria North Sector 1 and 2 CPF will now boast a set of new members after the recent executive elections held.

Willem Nel and Oupa Nthite were elected as the chairpersons of Pretoria North Sector 1 and 2 respectively during the executive committee elections.

The elections took place at the Pretoria North SAPS boardroom on September 2.

Nel previously served as the deputy chairperson of Pretoria North CPF Sector 1.

The CPF’s public relations officer Lebo Moloi said the members are excited at the new challenge that lay ahead.

“On our side, we didn’t go with qualifications and stuff but we opted for experience and the love for our community.

“It’s a huge step to be one of those leading this wonderful community of Pretoria North and the members are ready to make a difference to the community,” said Moloi.

Moloi said being a CPF member of sectors 1 and 2 is all about community safety.

“The newly elected executive committee is dedicated to the community. We will do our utmost best to get them involved.

“The members are expected to work closely with our local police because this area has some incidents of carjackings and we want to minimise that.”

Moloi added that one of the CPF’s duties is to ensure that the Pretoria North policing precinct doesn’t make it to the list of top 30 crime areas nationwide.

“We’ve seen the newly released crime stats and we want to make sure that this area is protected and is always on the positive side.

“The festive season is coming up and we want to prepare as early as possible and ensure nothing wrong happens in our area.”

Residents are being urged to vote for their new CPF representatives to serve their community this year.

The newly elected CPF members for Sector 1 are as follows:

– Chairperson: Willem Nel

Deputy Chairperson: Abel Prinsloo

– Secretary: Marali Prinsloo

Treasurer: Mariette Naude

Public Relations Officer: Wian Nel

Pretoria North CPF Sector 2 members.

The newly elected CPF members for Sector 2 are:

– Chairperson: Oupa Nthite

– Deputy Chairperson: Issac Banda

– Secretary: Stockey Seageng

– Deputy Secretary: Johanette Viljoen

– Treasurer: Leon du Toit

Additional members: Herculaas Viljoen, Hazel Lekalakala and Frik Bronkhorst

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