Police calls for united effort by community to combat drug issues in north

The Pretoria North police station has established multiple avenues for residents to share information.

The Pretoria North SAPS are urging residents to be vigilant and report drug-related activities in their communities.

Social crime prevention co-ordinator Sergeant Tumishang Moloto said drug-related crime is a pressing issue that not only affects the safety and well-being of residents but also contributes to broader social challenges within the community.

Moloto also works closely with the Crisis Centre.

The local police have arrested several suspects found with various drugs including heroin, Mandrax, dagga, and crystal meth in recent months.

Moloto is calling on community members to play an active role in addressing the drug crisis.

“The primary drugs causing concern in Pretoria North include heroin, Mandrax, dagga (cannabis), and crystal meth (methamphetamine).

“Each of these drugs poses significant risks, from addiction and health deterioration to increased criminal behaviour and violence,” said Moloto.

He said it is a crisis due to its widespread impact on local communities, contributing to increased crime rates, health issues, and social instability.

“The drug activities in our area are concerning; the issue of drugs is detrimental to our community’s health and safety.

“It is essential that residents come forward with any information they have about drug-related activities.”

The Pretoria North SAPS has been working on various fronts to combat the rise in drug problems, including targeted operations and community outreach programmes.

Moloto said the station acknowledges that their efforts can be significantly bolstered by active community participation.

“The drug problem impacts locals by increasing crime rates, contributing to public health crises, and disrupting community cohesion.

“It also affects businesses by creating unsafe environments and strains local schools by increasing student absenteeism and behavioural issues.”

He said reporting suspicious activities can lead to more effective interventions and help in curbing the growing drug problem.

“We need the community’s help to make a real impact. If you notice any suspicious behaviour or have information about drug dealing or use in your area, please report it.

“Every piece of information helps us in our fight against drugs and contributes to creating a safer environment for everyone.”

Moloto said when reporting drugs, residents must provide detailed information about suspicious behaviour, locations of drug activity, and individuals involved in drug trafficking.

“Specific details such as vehicle descriptions, times of activity, and any observed interactions are valuable for effective policing.”

To facilitate reporting, the Pretoria North SAPS has established multiple avenues for residents to share information.

“Reporting is crucial as it aids law enforcement in identifying and addressing drug activities swiftly, thereby preventing further harm to the community.

“It also helps build a safer environment by disrupting drug distribution networks and reducing associated crimes.”

This includes confidential tip lines and direct contact options, ensuring that those who come forward can do so with confidence in their privacy and safety.

“We are committed to addressing the drug issue head-on and a united effort from the community will make a huge difference.

“By reporting drug-related activities and supporting local law enforcement, residents can help in curbing this growing problem and enhancing the quality of life in Pretoria North.”

Residents can report drug-related crimes directly on 012 353 5600/5666 or to Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

“Residents can join the fight against drugs by participating in neighbourhood watch programmes, attending community meetings, and providing tips to the station.”

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