Pretoria school principal suspended pending investigation

The principal has been suspended for three months on the grounds that she allegedly ignored several complaints about racism at the school.

The Gauteng Education Department has suspended the principal of Pretoria High School for Girls, pending a thorough investigation into accusations of racial discrimination at the school.

According to Gauteng MEC for Education Matome Chiloane, Principal Phillipa Erasmus has been served a precautionary three-month suspension.

MEC Matome Chiloane; Chief Director for the Tshwane Region Paula Galego; Acting District Director for Tshwane South Andries Nkadimeng

The cloud of controversy hovering over the esteemed school’s leadership, and 12 other learners – who were also suspended a week ago – has triggered political interference.

EFF and ANC picked outside the school. Photo: Itumeleng Mokoena

The 12 learners have been suspended following allegations that they made racist comments in a WhatsApp group.

The school’s governing body and the department have been investigating these allegations, which included claims that the learners made derogatory remarks about black students.

The suspensions sparked protests from the EFF and the ANC on Tuesday calling for a zero-tolerance policy towards racism in schools.

Chiloane said during a media briefing on the outcome of the issue that the suspension prevents the principal from communicating with parents and educators at the school, adding “She can, however, appeal this decision should she feel the need to do so.”

According to Chiloane, “A report [has] unearthed past complaints of racism and fresh ones, with the principal aware of this but having failed to act, showing a lack of transparency from her.”

He said the principal knew about complaints of racism at the school last year but did not do anything about it.

Chiloane said a courageous whistle-blower, previously silenced, emerged to provide critical evidence, leading to the immediate suspension of the principal pending the conclusion of a disciplinary process.

Poliical parties picket outside Pretoria High School for Girls. Photo: Itumeleng Mokoena

“We are taking a firm stance on racism which is a form of violence and it is a cancer which will not be tolerated in our schools.”


Chiloane confirmed teachers are also implicated in the saga, saying “We are finalising our investigations and all teachers implicated will have to report to the district.”

He said he didn’t want to come back to the school for racial problems.

“We want to come to this school to celebrate academic excellence, not hate towards one another. I hope I am the last MEC to visit this school in relation to a racism matter,” Chiloane said.

He said an academic plan should be in place to assist the suspended learners, who are matric pupils.

“This is to help aid them when coming to the preliminary examinations, however, we believe that before the exams all this matter would have been completed.”

He said he gave the SGB a strong message to conclude these disciplinary matters fairly and impartially.


“I believe they will make proper decisions, and I have told them to give us progress reports on this matter daily, should the need be we will rope an independent law firm to conclude this, but at this stage, I have trust in the SGB to reach a consensus.”


Chiloane urged parents to instill discipline in the learners.

He said all learners implicated and all victims will be offered support and some will undergo diversity programs to help with behavioural patterns.

Chilaone urged all political leaders to stop interfering with the processes of the disciplinary process.

The Chief Director of Education in Tshwane district, Paula Galego said the principal was suspended on the grounds that she knew about racism complaints and did not act on them.


“Hopefully the matter will be resolved before trial examinations. Should that fail, the implicated learners will have to be allocated at a designated centre to write their exams.”

EFF Tshwane regional leader Obakeng Ramabodu. Photo: Itumeleng Mokoena

EFF Tshwane regional leader Obakeng Ramabodu said they welcome the suspension of the principal and promised not to interfere.


Ramabodu stated, “However we want the deputy to be suspended as well because we are at a view that both of them knew about this and tried to make it disappear. They both ignored the complaints lodged so the deputy is also not transparent, the school is not in safe hands. We will monitor the case till the end.”


ALSO READ: 12 Pretoria High School for Girls learners suspended amid racism allegations

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