Parent’s school search project flushes out drugs, weapons

An unemployed parent volunteers to search school learners before they enter the school every day.

The Phateng Secondary School in Mamelodi East has praised a local parent’s continued effort to ensure the school is drug- and weapon-free.

Ponelo Pele project founder Sheriff Masuku recently removed drugs and a bullet found in the possession of learners on the school’s premises.

The project is a stop-and-search safety programme.

Masuku is known for conducting surprise learner and school searches around Mamelodi and Nellmapius areas for dangerous objects, alcohol and illegal drugs.

Masuku of Nellmapus Ext 8, who is also a parent of a learner at the school, has made it his mission to wake up early every day to make sure that learners are safe from crime and drugs.

He is unemployed and has dedicated himself to making sure that every day before school starts around 07:00, he searches all schoolboys as they enter the school’s premises.

“The well-being of schoolchildren comes first, and it is up to us as parents to make sure that the children are safe at all times,” said Masuku.

He said the idea of stop-and-searches at the school started when he saw what was happening in the community of Nellmapius and the issue of drugs at the school, learners behaving unruly and bullying.

In a recent search, Masuku claimed he found a bullet in the possession of a learner.

He said he was busy conducting his normal school search operations to keep learners safe and learning in a comfortable environment when he noticed three learners trying to hide something.

“The three learners tried to run away but I caught one of them. After searching him I found a bullet on him.”

He said the other two evaded him, but was later located and taken to the principal for further action.

Masuku recalls all the things he found on learners since he started his safety school programme in 2021.

He said he had expected learners to carry books and other study materials in their school bags so was disappointed to find dagga, cigarettes, weapons, matchboxes, and other drugs also.

“But today I am pleased that the learners have since come clean and no longer carry dangerous weapons and drugs.”

Masuku said when he is done with the search in the mornings, he patrols the school premises and ensures no learners bunk class by hiding in the toilets during school hours.

Deputy Principal Sello Mabulelong said: “We appreciate what the Ponelo Pele project is doing for local schools.

The school is pleased that the learners are now clean and no longer carry dangerous weapons and drugs to school.”

Mabulelong said Masuku has made a huge difference to the school, and the learners are now behaving.

“The school appreciates what Masuku is doing for the school and the community,” he said.

He encouraged him to continue doing the good job for Mamelodi schools.

“Ponelo Pele hosts an afternoon gathering with schoolboys to discuss social issues including bullying, and comes up with programmes to keep learners busy and away from crime and drugs.”

He said Ponelo Pele was working with the Silverton Social Crime Prevention Unit.

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