ANC calls for Brink to resign

A call has been made by the ANC leaders of Greater Tshwane for the resignantion of Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink.

The ANC in Tshwane on 19 July called during a media briefing for the resignation of the DA’s executive mayor Cilliers Brink, and announced that they will be tabling a motion of no confidence in him as mayor during a council meeting following the prerequisite legislative requirements.

The request to the Speaker for the tabling of the motion will be addressed as soon as possible, and a date will be determined by him.

This was announced by the Greater Tshwane ANC branch leadership, who gave as their reason for this call a rapid deterioration of the state of governance in the metro, including financial mismanagement, a litany of misrule, and a staff component that is despondent under Brink.

The mayoral committee member for Finance and Chairperson of the Coalition Management Committee, Jacqui Uys, said the ANC lacks a legitimate case for a motion of no confidence in Mayor Brink.

Kwena Moloto and Jacqui Uys  

She emphasised that as a multi-party coalition, they are secure and backing Brink.

“There is no indication from coalition members that they are not as committed as ever,” said Uys. “The ANC’s threat of tabling a motion of no confidence can be linked to a waste contract,” said Uys.

Uys explained that she recently received a call from George Matjila, the regional secretary of the ANC in Tshwane. He was upset after a new tender was awarded for waste collection in the metro.

This tender introduces performance requirements for contractors. These requirements include that trucks should not be older than nine years, tracking devices, and valid e-Natis documents. Subcontractors must also meet these standards.

These new rules led to the replacement of 60% of previous waste removal contractors.

Matjila, alleging that officials would benefit from these arrangements, could not provide proof of his allegation.

“He then threatened a motion of no confidence in Mayor Brink on behalf of the ANC,” said Uys.

She pointed out that the metro recently had to call out the public order police when efforts were made by protesters to shut down landfill sites and threats were made to contractor drivers. According to Uys death threats have also been made.

She mentioned that these actions prompted the metro leadership to report Matjila to the police on 17 July.

“Subcontractors resisting the new rules are the source of the agitation, mirroring Matjila’s concerns,” explained Uys. “It is clear to me it’s the waste removal changes and the ANC leadership that stands to lose from this, that is the real issue here,” said Uys.

According to Uys other arguments against Brink also do not hold water.

“The metro’s financial position has improved, and our audit outcomes have been recognized by ratings agencies and the South African Local Government Association. The municipal council is actively fulfilling its duties, and the municipal public accounts committee is investigating the misspending of public money. Forensic reports are finally being addressed. The City has appointed a new top management team, fostering a new culture driven by service and performance,” said Uys.

George Matjila, Bonza Modise, and Aaron Maluleka.

Bonzo Modise, regional chair of the ANC, said during the ANC briefing where the call for the resignation was made, that they have witnessed the rapid deterioration of governance, in political oversight, management, and the financial status of the city.

“The ‘mayor of video clips’ is just papering over cracks,” said Modise.

He referred to a total of 150 projects in townships that have been halted since around 2022.

“The City is unable to implement those projects,” said Modise which according to him led to the infrastructure collapsing, street lights not being fixed, dilapidating road infrastructure, and robots that don’t work for months.

He said waste collection is collapsing, with refuse not taken regularly due to non-payment or irregular payment of service providers. Dumping sites have been closed and weighbridges at dumping sites are not working, with the metro being unable to collect income.

“The city is unable to deliver services such as water to residents of Bronkhorstspruit, Hammanskraal, Mamelodi, Winterveldt, and other townships. Those with access to water experience intermittent and unreliable supply of water,” he pointed out.

He made it clear that the ANC will however not call for a tax or payment boycott.

“We will not say people must not pay taxes and for service delivery. We want to take the metro over and for that the rates and payments must be in place.”

He confirmed the provincial management of the ANC is aware of their request for the resignation. Modise said the provincial management have requested them to vote Brink out a long time ago.

George Matjila, regional secretary of the ANC, added that with reference to the waste removal tender, the specifics for some contractors to do metro work are too high.

“How can they be told to get new trucks if they don’t have a contract? How can a contractor afford such a truck and to keep going if the Metro is not paying the contractors on time? Without a contract, he cannot go to the bank. The intention is to exclude them,” said Matjila. “And imagine a local contractor not having work within his community? What type of undermining is that? And the mayor did not even give these contractors a platform where he can engage with them. They came to tell him his challenges and he refused them.”

He accused the DA of squandering millions. “Why do they now want to put corruption on our doorsteps? We will not allow Brink to bring his own people into our townships. If there are criminals amongst them, he must lay charges. We will never call our own people criminals and we will not support that the money be taken out of the townships. As a national ANC we are speaking of developing of local economy and we support the locals. We cannot agree with specifications that can keep our people out of business,” emphasised Matjila.

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