More spiking incidents reported at these hotspots

Spiking incidents persist on highways in and around Pretoria despite arrests and ongoing operations. Here is the latest information.

Spiking incidents are still continuing on highways in and around Pretoria despite arrests and operations.

Here are some of the spiking incidents reported in the past couple of weeks:

Private investigator Mike Bolhuis urged motorists to stay calm should it happen that they drive over the spikes.

Also read: Watch: TMPD patrolling spiking hotspots in and around Pretoria

“Stay calm and do not stop. Continue driving, but reduce speed if need be. Do not panic if you hear the metal of your car’s rims or even see sparks.”

According to Bolhuis, it is less dangerous to proceed at 40km/hour than it is to stop.

“Further down the road, you might be able to take an off-ramp, stop at a tollgate, or a garage where you can make an emergency call or ask for help.”

Where are the current hotspots in and around Pretoria? 

ALSO READ: Warning: Spiking hotspots now on main routes

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