
These areas in Tshwane will experience 14-hour water outage on Friday

Residents are warned that due to a major leak in a main bulk pipeline, these areas will experience a 14-hour water outage.

Tshwane residents are warned that a major leak in a main bulk pipeline will cause a 14-hour water outage in these areas.

According to the City of Tshwane, emergency repairs to the bulk pipeline, which supplies Zithobeni Reservoir, Region 7, will continue on Friday.

“The work in question is a continuation of the initial repairs to the leak, which the City’s technicians carried out on Tuesday on the main blk pipeline.”

The inevitable work will unfortunately result in a 14-hour water supply interruption from 07:00 until 21:00 in the following areas:

  • Bronkhorstspruit
  • Carverdale 535-JR
  • Cultura Park Ext 11
  • Die Schlosberg 505-JR
  • Durley AH
  • Erasmus
  • Hondspoort 625-JR
  • Hondsrivier
  • Klipeiland 524-JR
  • Kristalpark
  • Kungwini Hills
  • Medpark
  • Nooitgedacht 525-JR
  • Ovipropark
  • Riamarpark
  • River Walk
  • Roodepoort 504-JR
  • Schietpoort 507-JR
  • Schlospoort 629-JR
  • Versterpark AH
  • Vervoer 620-JR
  • Zithobeni
  • Nooitgedacht 525-JR

“The City of Tshwane sincerely apologises for the inconvenience that may be encountered as a result of the emergency repair work.”

Furthermore, it said water tankers have been arranged to service residents who will be affected.

Residents are urged to make the following water-conservation measures part of their normal lifestyle:

  • Do not water or irrigate gardens with hosepipes or sprinkler systems between 06:00 and 18:00.
  • Do not wash vehicles with hosepipes.
  • Do not fill swimming pools.

Residents are urged to keep on using grey water to water gardens and flush toilets. Residents should report water leaks, burst pipes and all incidents where water is wasted. Where possible, water-saving devices should be installed.

Residents should make water conservation part of their everyday lives by making use of the following water-saving tips:

  • Install a low-flow shower head and tap aerators where possible.
  • Use a dual-flush toilet cistern.
  • Plant indigenous or drought-resistant shrubs in the garden.
  • Use a broom instead of a hosepipe when cleaning driveways or patios.
  • Collect rainwater to reuse in the garden or wash the car.
  • Cover the swimming pool to reduce water evaporation.
  • Take a shower rather than a bath.
  • Close a running tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Regularly check toilets and taps for leaks.

ALSO READ: Tshwane police operation results in multiple arrests across the city

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