
Local organisation cleans school’s classrooms for second term

#Hashtag Operation Lukisa Sgela programme founder Tsiane Phakedi says they want the learners to learn in a healthy environment and, most importantly, not to litter.

Jafta Mahlangu Secondary School learners in Mamelodi West kicked off their second term in a clean and healthy environment on Wednesday.

This came after the members of the #Hashtag Operation Lukisa Sgela programme and volunteers carried out a two-day school cleaning campaign aimed at creating a healthy environment for the learners.

The clean-up started at 08:00 and lasted until late in the afternoon.

Ex-offender Tsiane Phakedi, the founder of the operation, said a clean and healthy environment is close to godliness; it helps learners to concentrate and focus on their studies.

He said Lukisa Sgela is a drugs must-fall programme he started while serving time in prison.

According to him, the volunteers cleaned all the classrooms and toilets and cut the grass.

Phakedi added that they brought their own cleaning materials and other cleaning materials as well as food for the volunteers donated by local businessmen.

He said 20 volunteers took part in the clean-up campaign.

“#Hashtag Operation Lukisa Sgela programme is a programme that spends two weeks at a school discussing the problems of drug use, bullying and carrying dangerous weapons.

“We are working with police, correctional services, wardens and the CPF. The programme makes sure learners no longer bunk class, don’t do drugs, stop carrying weapons to school, arrive on time, and respect teachers,” said Phakedi.

He added that the school clean-up campaign was also part of the programme. It helped learners to look forward to coming to school, knowing that both the school and the toilets are clean at all times.

“We are also here to make sure that the learners follow the code of conduct and help them make the right life decisions,” he said.

“We want the learners to learn in a healthy environment and, most importantly, not to litter.

“Lukisa Sgela programme is also working with different stakeholders who have their own skills and knowledge towards eradicating the issue of drugs, especially in schools,” he said.

Phakedi said they were going to visit other schools in Mamelodi, including primary schools.

“We also encourage learners to stay away from the streets and participate in various sports activities and support them during the school sports day.”

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