Motorist stabbed to death in N4 spiking incident

Motorists are urged not to pull over on highways should they become a spiking victim but instead continue driving until they find a safe place to stop and immediately contact the police.

One motorist was stabbed to death and three other passengers were robbed of their belongings after a spiking incident on the N4 on March 31, Sunday.

According to the Boschkop CPF a vehicle with four men ran over a spike trap on the N4 before they were accosted around 22:00 near the Donkerhoek turnoff in Pretoria east.

CPF chairperson Jean Jonker said the victims pulled over to change the damaged tyre after driving over the metal spikes laid on the road.

“Two victims got out to change the tyre but were accosted by two ruthless suspects coming out of the bushes. The suspects robbed the victims, and stabbed one.”

Jonker said the suspect went on to rob the passengers of money and cell phones.

He said more spiking incidents have been reported this year while some have been thwarted by security companies “but this was the first murder”.

“Numerous times we received reports and this was a first murder. But spiking on its own has been going on for years. It also happens a lot on N4 close to R80 and Brits.”

He said due to the trauma suffered, the CPF had not asked the victims where they were heading or coming from.

Jonker said police, CPF and private Security companies were on the scene within minutes, but unfortunately, the suspects got away.

He said spiking and robberies continue to plague national freeways and urged motorists to drive with caution on the N4.

“Though the spikers prefer spiking between the train bridge and the Donkerhoek turnoff, other areas along the route have also had incidents. There were incidents in the past anywhere from the Ogies turnoff all the way to N1 interchange.”

He said other freeways, including N1 North and N4 West, towards Brits have also reported similar incidents.

He said if you get a flat tyre on the highway, keep driving as far as you can to a point of safety and immediately call TRAC, police or your security provider to report the incident before you pull over.”

Gauteng traffic police spokesperson Sello Maremane confirmed the fatal spiking incident.

“Indeed there was a spiking incident on the N4 which was reported on Sunday night.”

Tips to navigate a spiking incident:

– avoid driving over any plastic bags on the road surface

– don’t immediately stop you suspect a puncture rather call the Gauteng traffic police while driving slowly to the nearest safe spot

– if stopped by a traffic officer, demand to see their appointment certificate to verify they are authentic

– if such officer fails to produce their certificate, take down their registration number and report the incident to the nearest police

– if you break down on the road, lock your car doors, and call police while remaining in your car

– do not allow any person to tow your vehicle away without written permission.

Spiking hotspots in and around Pretoria:

-The R21, between OR Tambo International Airport;

– N4 towards Pretoria, Donkerhoek area

– The R562, Olifantsfontein, N3, Leondale and Barry Marais

– N17 between Rondebult and Heidelberg Road

Motorists are advised not to stop when they suspect they have become a spiking victim, especially at night, instead should drive on slowly to the nearest garage or police station.

Previously, these areas and roads were targeted:

-The N4 to Rustenburg between R80 Mabopane Freeway and Brits Plaza tollgate

-The N4 Mpumalanga to Pretoria between Solomon Mahlangu and Watermeyer off-ramp

-The N4 Pretoria to Mpumalanga between Bronkhorstspruit and Balmoral off-ramp

-Golden Highway

-The N1 Polokwane N4 Mpumalanga interchange in Pretoria

ALSO READ: Tshwane police operation results in multiple arrests across the city

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