Police urge schools to Adopt-a-Cop to fight drug use

Last year confiscated large amounts of contraband during raids on schools.

Pretoria Central police say they will intensify their Adopt-a-Cop programme this year to monitor drug-use in schools.

This was during their visit to multiple schools in the district during the opening of the academic year on January 17.

The purpose of the programme is also to encourage learners to reach out to police about any criminality that may be taking place in their midst.

“Drug abuse at schools remains a major concern and we plea with parents to come on board and assist police alongside teachers to eliminate actions that might disrupt the academic year,” said spokesperson, Constable Thabang Nkhumise.

Police visiting schools. Photos: supplied.

During several school raids last year, police confiscated items such as dagga, cigarettes and pairs of scissors.

Police are urging community members to join the fight against drug use in schools.

Acting station commander Colonel Maboea said this will be a continuous effort to ensure learning takes place and maintain a zero crime rate at schools in the inner-city.

Police visited the Christian progressive, Pretoria secondary, Northwood, Tshwane secondary and Voortrekker high school and addressed the learners on bullying, weapons, criminality, drug-use and other unsavoury activity that may disadvantage other learners.

Roleplayers included police, CPF, crime prevention wardens, reservists and patrollers.

Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink also joined millions of residents in wishing the class of 2024 well on its first day.

“To all the returning learners, welcome back, and congratulations on the progress you have made with your studies so far. Keep at it. To the teachers, school management, and parents, Tshwane is with you and we thank you for the commitment you have shown towards advancing education for our children,” he said.

For more information contact via:

– Crime Stop on 086100 10111 or 10111

– Emergency services 112 on your cellphone on any network

– MySAPS app to report any criminal activity or give suggestions

– Pretoria Central station directly on 012 353 4230

The sector commanders can be reached on:

Sector 1: Warrant Officer Diketane 079 386 6218

Sector 2: Sergeant Ndou 079 880 0875

Sector 3: Warrant Officer Samuels 067 873 3208

Sector 4: Sergeant Nziri 079 899 4308

Note that all calls or whistle-blowing can be done anonymously.

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Please send us an email to editorial@rekord.co.za or phone us on 083 625 4114.

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