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Community comes together to save dog trapped in storm drain for 3 days

It eventually took multiple organisations three hours to rescue the dog.

Locals spent three hours retrieving a dog trapped in a storm drain on the corner of Church and WF Nkomo streets yesterday.

The dog was trapped for three days.

Residents had been making reports on their WhatsApp community group about hearing the faint barking of a dog, however, no one could pinpoint where it was coming from.

The drain that the dog was stuck in. Photo: supplied.

A driver for First Help towing service had located the drain where the dog had been trapped at 11:48 on Wednesday and contacted the local CPF for assistance.

“There were so many people that came out to help, it took about three hours to get the dog out. It just shows that when people can come together and set their mind to something, things can happen,” said Matilda Viviër of the CPF.

“It was a dangerous place that responders went into. It was a life-and-death situation because if that drain collapsed on them who knows what could have happened.”

The owner of the dog had read about the situation on a WhatsApp group and immediately went to the scene. At 14:25 the dog and owner were reunited.

Wetnose Animal Rescue. Photo: supplied.

The Saps K9 search and rescue, Gauteng EMS, and numerous animal shelters played a part in the rescue.

“Special thanks to Cobus of Medicab, Mari, Laura, Bianca, and many others who helped to contact the necessary role players.

Big thanks to Wetnose as well as the other animal shelters, that waited on the scene until the dog was rescued. They were prepared to take her to a vet immediately,” Viviër said.

Wetnose first checked if the dog was okay and that she had not sustained any injuries. The SPCA will visit the owner to make sure that she cannot escape again.

Community members contacted the CPF, wanting to provide financial assistance if costs arose, however, no charges were incurred.

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