Calling all heroes in Centurion

Whether it is the man who selflessly helps highlight the plight of residents or the woman who works behind the scenes to ensure a local school runs smoothly – we want to help you thank them and tell their stories!

Whether it is the man who selflessly helps highlight the plight of residents or the woman who works behind the scenes to ensure a local school runs smoothly – we want to help you thank them and tell their stories!

This week, Rekord spoke to some of the heroes who had been nominated thus far, namely Tarryn Johnston, Jane Bennett James and Karin Franks. All three ladies were quite surprised to learn that they have been nominated as heroes.

Tarryn Johnston. Photo: supplied.

Tarryn Johnston (45) from Die Hoewes is no stranger to the community as she is the founder of the NGO, Hennops Revival.

Johnston said it all started back in 2019 when her daughter wanted to do a river clean-up with which she assisted.

“At that stage, I have not been to the river for years. When I saw the state the river was in, I committed to conducting a clean-up every two weeks. The water just grabbed me, and the rest is history. Now we conduct water tests and regular clean-ups and projects aimed at nature conservation.”

Johnston said she registered the NGO in November that year “when Centurion flooded and entire communities washed away”.

“I mobilised the community and we assisted approximately a hundred people to evacuate the banks of the river. The community assisted in providing blankets, food and clothing.”

Johnston said since then she was also involved in providing Covid shelters in Lyttelton, and got involved in community outreaches empowering people by means of planting their own vegetables.

“Since then, the NGO has grown as more and more community members got involved in donating to the community and sponsoring projects. It is also used as a point of information,” Johnston said.

Jane Bennett James. Photo: supplied.

Jane Bennett James (55) is from Valhalla and drives an outreach in Thaba Tshwane.

“We care about animals and our main initiative is to have them sterilised. Subsequently, they don’t wander the streets so much, and there are fewer males fighting and less injuries.”

“We also have food outreaches and rely on donations from the community. At the moment, we feed about 500 animals including feral cats.”

Karin Franks. Photo: supplied.

Karin Franks (40), from Wierda Park, has been hosting ladies events for the past three years to raise funds for NGOs.

“I also sponsor charity organisations and community members support me with prizes and items that we raffle.

“I use various venues, including restaurants, to raise awareness about the community’s needs.”

Franks said she owns her own human resources company, and often assists people who have lost their jobs.

As from June she will also join Kokomo, an online radio station, on a regular show, broadcasted twice a week. She will use the opportunity to inform the community about organisations and businesses that support them.

“I have CertSA and Angels Among Us lined up for the first two weeks,” she said.

MEET MORE HEROS HERE:  Calling all Centurion heroes

In a community as awesome as Centurion, there are bound to be heroes – people who go out of their way to serve others.

West Pack Lifestyle and Centurion Rekord want to honour those who stand out, who give without expecting anything in return and who put the needs of others before their own.

Whether it is the man who selflessly helps highlight the plight of residents or the woman who works behind the scenes to ensure a local school runs smoothly – we want to help you thank them and tell their stories!

Every month West Pack Lifestyle and Centurion Rekord want to honour these “heroes who don’t wear capes” and the causes they stand for.

But to do this, we need your help. If you feel someone in your community deserves to be labelled a hero, then all you have to do is nominate them.

Each month, West Pack Lifestyle and Centurion Rekord will make a nomination form available online.


All you have to do is fill in the form, nominate a community hero and they could stand a chance to win the title as well as R1 000.

Your community hero will also be featured in an article in the Rekord, both online and in the newspaper, so that they can share their story with the whole of Pretoria.

ENTER YOUR HERO HERE: Calling all heroes in Centurion


Do you have more information about the story?

Please send us an email to or phone us on 083 625 4114.

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