Police warn public against “false prophets”

They embezzle money from unsuspecting people promising them heaven and earth.

Police believe that a syndicate of “false prophets” are operating in Sunnyside.

These so-called prophets scam people out of their money under the guise that they were blessing so it will double.

Explaining the modus operandi, Sunnyside police spokesperson Captain Daniel Mavimbela said a substance such as ash was smeared on a victim’s arm.

“Then someone will approach the victim to say they too had been smeared with the same substance, which somehow brought them good luck.” said Mavimbela .

“A fake police officer and prophet might also appear on the scene. This normally leads the victim to gain a false sense of security, especially since there is a police officer around.

The victim doesn’t realise that he or she is in fact surrounded by con artists.

ALSO READ: The end is nigh for fake pastors

The victim will be convinced to hand over his or her earnings to the prophet to “bless” it.”

He said the victim would later realise that they money they were given back after the “blessing prayer” was fake.

He warned the community against being hoodwinked by the sweet story of quick money by these “prophets”.

He said any crime in which the victim was a willing participant were complicated.

He implored residents to stand together against crime.

ALSO READ: False prophets arrested

“If one resident falls victim to crime and the community fails to join hands to prevent similar future occurrences, the entire neighbourhood will degenerate into a safe haven for criminals,” said Mavimbela.

“In the absence of joint efforts between law enforcement agencies and communities, the eradication of crime will only remain a pipe dream.”

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