Red Ants evict RNS squatters again

RNS House squatters were evicted again on Friday by the Red Ants

RNS House squatters were evicted again by the Red Ants on Friday morning at Madiba Street.

Thebe* (not his real name) has been squatting at the flat for the past six years. He said foreigners vandalised the flat recently and brought in new squatters who were paying them.

“They were making people pay them to stay there and we were staying there for free. It is a huge problem because this is not the first time we’re evicted. I, it is the third time this year,” said Thebe.

Dineo Mabe (29) has been squatting there for three weeks and said she was shocked when the Red Ants stormed the flat and took her possessions.

“They took my bank cards and my ID. They didn’t even allow me to take any of my other belongings. All I have with me are the clothes I am wearing. They have violated my rights,” Mabe said.

Simon Chelane (29), a construction worker who was also squatting at RNS House said the Red Ants shot him with a rubber bullet in the back.

“I came out of my room at seven am, then the Red Ants started searching me. They dragged me out of the flat and when I ran out, they shot me with a rubber bullet on my back,” Chelane explained.

He alleged the Red Ants stole his wallet, bank cards, R600 and his cellphone.

“I am in so much pain. I could not even call my boss to tell him that I won’t be coming in today because they stole my cellphone. I might even lose my job because of this,” Chelane said.

The landlord was unavailable for comment.


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