Road users urged to exercise caution during Easter

Scores of people are expected to travel to various holiday destinations throughout the country this Easter. Rand West City Public Safety Chief Kenny Mampondo, however, encourages safety first.

Rand West City Public Safety Chief Kenny Mampondo is calling on motorists from the region and other areas to exercise caution on the roads and be extra vigilant.

Also read: Yeah – it is Easter, let’s hit the road!

This comes as the Easter holidays are upon us and scores of people are expected to travel to various holiday destinations throughout the country.

While others will be going for spiritual rejuvenation, others will be going to see their friends and families, and major routes across are expected to have high traffic volumes.

Also read: Police talk about road safety and more at Gerrit Maritz Primary

Speaking to Mampondo, both motorists and pedestrians must ensure safety on the roads.

“The Easter long weekend is a period where many people travel to church gatherings and other places of worship. Others use this special period to spend time with their families and their loved ones and it is thus important that people remain cautious on the roads. I, therefore, call on Rand West City residents to recommit themselves to the principles of road safety that they will not drink and drive let alone be found speeding on our roads.

“I also urge them to respect other fellow road users and take regular rests during their traveling when fatigued. And lastly, both motorists and pedestrians to respect one another and obey the rules of the road,” said Mampondo who added that he wishes everyone a happy and safe Easter weekend.

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