5 Features of an Instagram-worthy Restaurant

The success of your event largely depends on your choice of venue. A good venue is the difference between a memorable get-together and a mundane meetup.

A restaurant is more than a place to eat, especially in 2020. A vibrant and lively atmosphere is a crucial part of eating out, which is why any restaurant worth frequenting should care as much about the mood it sets as it does about the food it serves. If you’re the type to base your dining decisions on a restaurant’s aesthetic value, here’s how to figure out whether a restaurant should be on your Instagram feed:


There’s no universal standard for good decor. Much like food, preferences differ among individuals. While one person might enjoy the arresting view on a rooftop restaurant, maybe you’re more fond of the earth tones and wooden furniture that characterise a high-end steakhouse. The solution is simple: scroll through a restaurant’s Instagram feed before you book a table. This will also give you an idea of the type of pictures you’ll be able to take there.


Have a brief look at any Instagram feed and you’ll see pictures of food that’s equal parts palatable and presentable. It’s not uncommon to see people at a restaurant reaching for the camera phone before the cutlery when their meal arrives. The fact that #food is one of the 100 most popular Instagram hashtags is all the proof you need that a good restaurant should serve food that looks as good as it tastes.

If you want a real indication of how good the food at a restaurant looks, don’t just look at the pictures on their website. The images they put up are carefully curated and might not be a true indicator of what the meals really look like. You’re better off searching the restaurant’s geolocation tag on Instagram so you can see pictures taken by ordinary diners. If those look good, then you’re also likely to come out with a few memorable snaps.


If you’ve ever seen someone at a restaurant post Instagram stories in quick succession, you know that it’s a good sign that they’re enjoying themselves and would like to capture the moment for everyone else to see. That’s the thing about a good vibe — it’s contagious. If the couple at the next table is having a good time, you’re likely to feed off that energy and enjoy
yourself too. Which is why any restaurant that’s going to end up on your Instagram feed needs to have the right ambience. A restaurant doesn’t have to recreate the atmosphere of a busy Friday night to generate a good vibe.

Some people might just want a quiet place to enjoy some wine and steak with a friend or conduct a business meeting. Whatever the case, if it looks like everyone else is enjoying themselves, you’re probably going to have a good time, too. Foodstagramming is a lot harder than people give it credit it for. Fortunately, a bit of forethought and planning is all that’s needed to find a restaurant worth being seen at.

Looking at planning an unforgettable night out? Turn ‘n Tender is the place to go! Visit their website by clicking here.

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