Local retailer answers call from Good Samaritan

Dorah Mauwane, the Customer Service Manager at Pick n Pay Noordheuwel, said the contribution by her retailer will go a long way to helping the elderly people.

They are considered vulnerable and yet they are marginalised when government food hampers are distributed as part of Covid-19 relief programme.

More than 20 gogos in the impoverished community of Swanieville had a day to remember recently when a Good Samaritan donated food hampers to them.

The hampers contained items such as maize meal, cooking oil, canned food, soap and tea bags. Local resident Shadi Seloana, 40, saw most of the elderly being sidelined when food parcels are donated through government relief programmes, and she said she was heart-broken when she saw some of the gogos begging for food and going to bed hungry.

“Most of these grannies have extended families and they are solely dependent on government social grants,” said Seloana.

Through her non-profit organisation, Lesedi Ke Kitso Food Parcels, Seloana approached various companies to assists the needy community members, but without success.

However, she received a call from a local Pick n Pay after they had learnt about the plight of the elderly community of Swanieville.

She added that now that the nation-wide lockdown is on alert level 3, she will be able to move around and seek sponsors to assist needy community members as well as child-headed families.

“I’m so grateful that Pick n Pay came to the party and helped the grannies who, in some instances, were deliberately ignored by politically connected community members. I’m happy for them and their families,” she added.

Dorah Mauwane, the Customer Service Manager at Pick n Pay Noordheuwel, said the contribution by her retailer will go a long way to helping the elderly people.

“We as Pick n Pay are proud to be playing a part in assisting our communities, and more so the elderly. These are our mothers and we need to look after them during the difficulties of Covid-19. We are looking forward to assisting more communities as we are dealing with community members from different backgrounds,” Mauwane said.

Government officials and councillors were stopped from distributing food parcels following media reports of widespread corruption regarding food parcels.

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