
Your daily weather update and random facts

Gooood morning!

Here are a few random facts to start your morning off:

  • Ravens in captivity can learn to talk better than parrots
  • According to a 2010 study, people fluent in multiple languages almost always swear in their native tongue
  • Opossums don’t “play dead.” When frightened, they become overexcited and pass out
  • According to a 2015 study, less than half the world’s cultures kiss romantically
  • Army ants that misinterpret the scent trails left by other ants will sometimes break from the crowd and march in circles. If enough ants join, they can form massive “death spirals.”

Your weather forecast for today:

A minimum of 15°C and a maximum of 27°C

Partly sunny with a thundershower in spots

Sunrise: 6:10 AM

Sunset: 6:23 PM

Weather update by AccuWeather

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