Today in History: In 2010 Sachin Tendulkar makes cricket history

Steve Jobs was born on this day in 1955.

2010 Sachin Tendulkar becomes the first cricket player to score a double-century in the One Day International format

The Indian sportsman is widely recognized as one of the greatest batsmen in cricket.

1942 – U.S.A. Unidentified Flying Objects
Los Angeles sightings on this day called by the contemporary press “Battle of Los Angeles”, a Plane / Blimp / Weather Balloon / UFO is fired on with a massive anti-aircraft artillery barrage but is not hit, Air raid sirens were sounded throughout Los Angeles County at 2:25 a.m. and a total blackout was ordered. Why was the ?? never hit or if it was hit why not damaged , this is a radio news report of the incident and makes very interesting listening.

1920 The German nazi party is founded

Adolf Hitler became the party’s leader in 1921.

1955 – Great Britain Big Freeze
With over 70 roads now not passable the big freeze continues in the UK with many essential supplies including food and medical supplies now in jeopardy. The RAF is dropping food and medical supplies in the worst affected areas and are also dropping tons of hay over the Scottish Highlands as sheep are now starving due to the massive snowdrifts that have built up.

1989 A Boeing 747 jumbo jet rips open over the Pacific Ocean
United Airlines Flight 811 experienced an explosive decompression, resulting in the death of 9 passengers.


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