
LISTEN: Song dedicated to women that condemns domestic violence

Randfontein kwatio star reveals his latest single condemning domestic violence and 'hopefully guide men on how to take care of their wives'

Randfontein’s kwaito star, Thuso Makau, 35, recently released a single titled African woman, with a major purpose.

Thuso from Westonaria, who originally hails from Alexandra, said the song speaks about a man who falls in love with a woman and wants to marry her, but added, “The song will hopefully guide men on how to take care of their wives, and it condemn domestic violence.

“As an artist and through music, I believe I also have a responsibility to condemn violence against women in some way. It is about time that women be given the love they deserve.

“The song also speaks about the hardships that modern-day women experience at the hand of men who are supposed to care for them,” Thuso added.

He added that many times women lose their lives without any getting any justice – something that prompted him to write the song.

“I do not think enough is being done to bring the perpetrators to book; therefore, I thought I should send a message out to the public that as men, we need to stand up for our women and embrace them,” Thuso added.

Thuso’s album was released on Friday, 13 December 2019.

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