Today in History: The Kenya Plane Crash that took place 2000

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882in New York

2000 – Kenya Plane Crash

A plan crashed after takeoff on this day. This plane was just leaving Kenya Airways, and only 10 people of the 179 people on board survived. This accident had just happened so fast that no one even was able to take the time to put on life support.

2013 South Korea Launches Space Rocket

South Korea successfully launched a space rocket that was carrying a satellite after two previous failed attempts. Officials stated that the satellite would be used to collect climate data.

2003 Shoe Bomber Sentenced

British-born “shoe bomber” Richard Reid has been sentenced to life in prison after he tried to blow up a transatlantic flight from Paris to Miami.

2002 – Ice Storm

A severe ice storm strikes Oklahoma and surrounding states. causing some of the region’s infrastructure to crumble and electric transformers exploded in some places

Content sourced from: The people history

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