Extra, extra more wacky content

If no-one reads it, what's the point?

• The editor writes:

If no-one reads it, what’s the point?

With that mind-set, the Herald launched a number of daily features on our website as of Monday 6 February, in which we will focus on some even more interesting content and news that will hopefully tickle your fancy.

We would very much like the community to help us out with this, as there is always room for improvement.

On Mondays, we will have #MunicipalMonday, where we will focus one article on a recent municipal issue. Feel free to help us identify an issue by giving us a ring, sending us photos or popping us an email. Tuesdays will be #TeinerTuesday, where random people will be given the chance to introduce themselves to the public.

We realise the need for some laughter and entertainment, so come Wednesdays, we thought the community could tell us its weird stories, be it having a rough day on the road while driving, or maybe spotting a dog eating two burgers on #WilleWoensdag.

On Thursdays, we’ll go back in history with #ThrowbackThursday. For example: On Thursday, 22 April 2012, the local lake dried up. What is the current situation there and has anything been done to prevent it happening again?

Fridays will be more relaxing, with the aim of getting everyone pumped for the weekend with #ThankGoodnessIt’sFriday. Here, anyone in the community can share a message of positivity.

Please note these features will only appear on our website once a day each week and that other news will not be neglected nor ignored. Let us know what you think. Maybe we should change Mondays to #Lag-lagMaandag and have residents telling us their favourite jokes?

We look forward to your replies!

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