Top five public germ hotspots …

and how to deal with them.

With a seven-week-old baby in the house, I cannot take any chances with germs.

I, and mom, therefore take extra precautions, with a new focus on the importance of hygiene. I’ve done some research and came up with some interesting information.

According to Dr Letlape, Global Hygiene Council member and handwashing and hygiene advocate, germs are so small that they’re invisible to the naked eye, meaning that you need a microscope to see them. This is what makes it so easy for them to invade the body, making you sick.

They are also found literally everywhere. Here are five of Dettol’s most germ-infested places:

1. The door handle

The door handle of any public area is so germ-infested that some people, who are not necessarily germaphobes, try to avoid touching them. Instead, they use their elbows to turn the handle, or their shirt sleeve to cover the handle, or even their feet, to kick the door open. This sounds like a lot of work when you can just wipe the handle with Dettol’s personal hygiene wipes that also disinfect, thus protecting you from illness-causing germs.

2. Elevator button

Can you imagine how many people actually touch the elevator buttons every day? The germs on those buttons are then spread to everyone else, which isn’t healthy. You can use either your keys or even your elbows to press the button and limit the chances of getting infected and spreading germs.

3. The dining table

Restaurant tables and the condiments left out for your use can be quite grubby. Rather than denying your child the tomato sauce because you don’t want her/him to touch the bottle, you can always ensure that you wipe down the bottle and your child’s hands as well.

4. The cubicle door

Using your wallet, purse or bum to push open that cubicle door can help you avoid germs, or you could wipe down just a small section of the door to disinfect it and protect yourself from germs.

5. The handshake

Sometimes, you can’t avoid shaking hands with an acquaintance, a colleague or even a potential client or customer, because it’s part of our culture. And also – you don’t want to be thought of as being rude. Yet, you know that our hands carry illness-causing germs that you’d rather avoid. You can always go to the bathroom (just watch that door handle and cubicle door!) to wash your hands with soap and water before and after shaking hands. Failing that, you can use hand sanitiser or hygiene wipes.

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