Valuable insights into the mind of a literary icon

Breyten Breytenbach is hailed in South Africa and internationally as an influential writer and critical thinker.

Author: Breyten Breytenbach

About the book:


Parool / Parole is a collection of some of his most memorable and poignant speeches, which, through their resonating subject matter, continue to light literary, political and philosophical fires. Each of these public addresses – delivered in English and Afrikaans at various events around the world between 1968 and 2015 – links historical moments in the development of Afrikaans and South African literature to key events in Breytenbach’s life and career.

His speech at the Sestiger Summer School in 1973, for example, represents a watershed moment regarding Afrikaans writers’ attitudes towards social and political issues. In his Rapport Prize acceptance speech, delivered in 1986, Breytenbach brazenly confronts Afrikaners about their support of an apartheid police state – an argument so compelling and groundbreaking in its style of address that it will be remembered by future generations.

And who will be left unmoved when reading Breytenbach’s plea in the Palace of Justice in 1975, when he addressed the judge who would eventually send him to jail on terrorism charges? The recent tribute at André Brink’s memorial service in Cape Town reaffirms the author’s passionate commitment to his craft, and demon­strates how his creative output is framed by an acute sense of morality. The speeches in Parool / Parole, many of which have not been published before.


Breyten Breytenbach word plaaslik en wêreldwyd geag as ’n invloedryke skrywer en kritiese denker. Parool/Parole is ’n keur van sy grootste en aangrypendste toesprake wat, deur die belangrike onderwerpe, steeds literêre, politieke en filosofiese vure aansteek.

Elke redevoering – wat tussen 1968 en 2015 in Afrikaans en Engels by verskeie geleenthede reg oor die wêreld gelewer is – skakel historiese momente in die ontwikkeling van die Afrikaanse en Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde met sleuteloomblikke in Breytenbach se loopbaan en lewe. So staan sy toespraak by die Sestiger-somerskool in 1973 uit as ’n waterskeidingsmoment vir Afrikaanse skrywers se benadering tot sosiale betrokkenheid in hul werk.

In sy Rapportprys-aanvaardingstoespraak, in 1986, konfronteer Breytenbach Afrikaners kaalvuis oor hul instandhouding van ’n apartheid-polisiestaat. Die aandoenlike wyse waarop hy sy grensverskuiwende standpunte stel sal nog lank deur toekomstige generasies onthou word.

En wie sal Breytenbach se pleidooi in die Paleis van Justisie in 1975, waar hy hom wend tot die regter wat hom uiteindelik tronk toe sou stuur op aanklag van terrorisme, kan lees sonder om ontroer te word? Die onlangse huldeblyk by André P. Brink se gedenkdiens in Kaapstad bevestig weer eens die skrywer se passievolle verbinte­nis tot sy ambag, en hoe ’n sin vir moraliteit sy kreatiewe uitset omraam. Die toesprake in Parool / Parole, waarvan heelparty nog nie voorheen gepubliseer is nie, verskaf waardevolle insigte in die denkwêreld van ’n literêre ikoon.

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