Domestic Violence: Week 4

Who you gonna call in case of domestic violence ...?

In part 4 and the final week of domestic violence education we will focus on what to if the abuser disobeys the protection order, tips on having a crisis plan ready and who to contact in case of domestic violence.

Note the information was made possible thanks to the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Security in Practice.

What to do if the abuser disobeys the protection order?
• Phone the South African Police Service. 
• A statement will be taken from you. 
• Provide the police members with the warrant of arrest you received with the protection order (if you have lost it apply at the court for another one). 
• If you are in immediate danger the abuser will be arrested, otherwise the abuser will be given a notice to appear in court the next day.

Have a crisis plan ready:
• Identify places where you can quickly and easily use a phone. 
• Always carry a list of emergency numbers. 
• Make sure that the people you usually visit, are in possession of a copy of the protection order and/or warrant of arrest. 
• Put some money in a safe place so that you can take a taxi or bus in case of an emergency. 
• Have an extra set of keys for the house or car. 
• If possible, have a set of clothes for yourself (and your children) packed in a bag, and keep it in a safe place (eg at the neighbour’s). If you are planning to leave, leave when your partner is not around, and take your children with you. 
• Make sure that you are in possession of essential documents like IDs, your medical aid card, and your savings/credit card etc.

Who can I contact?

Contact your local police station or any of the following organizations:

• SAPS Crime Stop 08600 10111 
• Women Abuse Helpline 0800 150 150 
• Childline 0800 055 555 
• AIDS Helpline 0800 012 322 OR (011) 725 6710

National network on violence against women:

• Pretoria (012) 348 1231 Fax: 348 1235 
• Eastern Cape (040) 654 0200 Fax: 654 1221 
• Free State (051) 447 6898 Fax: 447 6694 
• Kwazulu-Natal (031) 304 6928 Fax: 304-6928 
• Mpumalanga (013) 947 3912 Fax: 947 2773 
• Northern Province 083 637 0210 Fax: (015) 295 5715 
• North West (014) 565 3269 Fax: 565 3277 
• Northern Cape (053) 831 4856 Fax: 831 4856 
• Western Cape (021) 633 5287 Fax: 637 0785

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