The Herald goes WhatsApp

As it stands we currently have more than 100 contacts in just a few days. Help us grow and join.

Thanks to technology, the Herald is now able to share local news to a bigger audience.

Its name is WhatsApp – a messaging app which allows us to exchange messages to the community quick and easy – in our case news.

Like BBM on Blackberry’s, Twitter and Facebook the Herald is now able to break a story with a few clicks of a few buttons.

Whatever platform you prefer, the choice is yours.

As it stands we currently have more than 100 contacts in just a few days. Help us grow and join.

The questions is, how?

First of all, our number is 079 413 8726.

Your contact details will not be shared with any third party. Your connection to the Randfontein Herald WhatsApp service (a free service) will mean that you get messages directly from our newsdesk; messages relating solely to Randfontein Herald content.

We may experience a high volume of sign-ons to the WhatsApp service, therefore you may not be added immediately (it may take a few hours).

You won’t receive messages from other community members due to the connection.

Should you change your device or cell phone number, you may have to resubscribe to this service (refer to our infographic if you’ve forgotten how).

Unsubscribing from the service is as easy as deleting our number from your cell phone’s contact list.

Email should you have any other questions.

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